When a friend or family member has an addiction, it feels impossible to find the right things to say all the time. You want to push them towards the road to recovery, but you can’t push too hard.  Peruse the Casa Recovery site to learn more about our programs and how to help anyone in […]

Prescription Drug Abuse is on the Rise in America

  Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem in the US. Our professionals at Casa Recovery are specially trained to help you with whatever addiction you may be suffering from. Prescription drugs do not have to control your life anymore. Let us find a way to break the cycle and let you live happy and […]

Staying Motivated Through Mental Illness Treatment

Mental Illness can be debilitating. One day you can be totally fine, but the next can seem impossible to get through. Getting treatment for mental illness can really help you to become the person you want to be or bring you back to who you were before it took over. Casa Recovery can help with […]

Scientific Ways to Implement Effective Recovery Resolutions for the New Year

It’s the time of year when most people are gearing up to make a fresh set of New Year resolutions and people in recovery are no different. In fact, it is important to set goals and strive towards them as part of effective addiction rehabilitation and it’s also possible to use a more scientific approach […]

Strategies for a Successful Holiday Season and Sobriety

Just because someone is in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction, it doesn’t mean they can’t participate fully in the Holiday Season’s festivities. However, more consideration has to be given to each event as it arises as to whether it’s a good opportunity to enjoy your friends and family or an invitation to relapsing back […]

The Long-Term Medical Effects Of Alcohol On The Brain

Most of us know the general effects of drinking alcohol to excess which include difficulty walking, slurred speech, blurred vision and slowed reaction times although for most of us, these effects are temporary. The next day we may suffer the worst of all hangovers but there’s no long term damage caused by infrequent drinking unless […]

America has Declared an Opioid Public Emergency: Here’s What that Means

  “Addiction Adult Capsules” by Pexels via CC0 (Public Domain CC 2.0) Earlier this year, the Center for Disease Control estimated that around 90 Americans die every single day from opioid-related causes. Such is the extent of the problem in the US, that there are now significant steps being taken to reduce the problem by […]

How Journaling Can Aid Your Addiction Recovery

When you write things down, they tend to become more valid to you—and it is that principal that lies at the heart of the reason why journaling can benefit you in addiction recovery. There are multiple benefits to writing down your experiences as you go through treatment and into a life in recovery. The main […]

How To Cope With Depression In Early Addiction Recovery

It is an unfortunate fact that depression and addiction often go hand-in-hand. However, depression can either be a pre-existing condition to substance abuse and cause addictive behavior or it can be caused as a direct result of substance abuse over a prolonged period of time. Whatever the cause, for someone who has completed drug and […]

How To Let Go Of Your Past In Addiction Recovery

As with most of life’s hurdles, it is not possible to progress forwards until the past has been addressed and dealt with. When someone is struggling with addiction issues, letting go of the past and the mental or emotional scars they’ve been left with can be extremely difficult. Additionally, if someone has a history of […]


When you’ve completed alcohol or drug addiction treatment and have returned to daily life, you are presented with the perfect opportunity to completely overhaul your lifestyle very much for the better. While in a drug and alcohol addiction treatment program, you’ll be armed with an arsenal of weapons to defend your sobriety and prevent relapse […]

The Importance Of Setting Boundaries With An Addicted Loved One

One of the most difficult aspects of living with a loved one with addiction issues is that they lose their ability to recognize the consequences of their actions. This can lead to the kind of destructive behavior that drives wedges between family members, breaking even the closest bonds irreparably. Specialist alcohol and drug addiction treatment […]