How Should We Treat Opioid Addiction?

It is important to bear in mind that addiction is an illness that can be treated with the right medications. There are widely held misconceptions surrounding addiction that have led us to stereotype sufferers as no-hopers who have made a negative lifestyle choice. In fact, addiction is something that affects people from all walks of […]

Does Age Play a Factor in Sobriety Success?

Addiction is a disease that doesn’t discriminate and as such there is no typical alcoholic or drug addict. The level of addiction depends on many factors including any underlying mental health issues, the cause of alcohol and also more general social aspects such as educational background and age. Someone who developed alcohol dependence when they […]

The Impact Social Media has on Recovery from Addiction

  When the use of something interferes with daily life or interpersonal relationships it can be regarded as an addiction. The portability of modern devices and the around-the- clock accessibility of social media sites can easily lead to an unhealthy amount of time being spent online. The process of recovery requires focus and the unlimited […]

How to Deal with Grief and Loss in Rehab

People can grieve after any significant life change, the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship or giving up a substance on which they have been dependent. What is common is a feeling of emptiness and loss and the experience of very powerful feelings. How these feelings are dealt with is of […]

How to Help a Spouse with Addiction

Addiction is a tricky disorder to deal with and can affect not just the addicted but the family and friends of those around them. Specifically, the role of spouse is one of the hardest to deal with. You want them to not be in pain, but you can’t stand watching them spiral deeper and deeper […]

Take the First Step into Mental Illness Recovery Treatment

We here at Casa Recovery value taking care of the entire person, which is why in addition to addiction treatment, we offer comprehensive options in terms of care like yoga, group therapy, and more. However, sometimes a big part of what’s going on in the mind of a person with addiction is a mental illness. […]


  It is very often difficult for people to understand addiction in the sense that it is an illness and not a lifestyle choice. There are still many misconceptions held about the kind of people who are classified as “addicts” that are largely drawn from the way the media represents this demographic. However, with the […]

Crime and Alcohol; What are the Dangers?

  Drinking alcohol is a very common way of relaxing and socializing and is a feature of many celebrations and events. The effect it has on your mind and body, such as feeling relaxed and less inhibited is what makes you find it enjoyable. However, becoming hooked on these effects can bring dangerous consequences. What […]


  Your brain is remarkable. It regulates your body’s vital functions, helps you to understand experiences and forms your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. In order to function, it is constantly sending messages between brain cells using chemicals called neurotransmitters, something which you don’t even know is happening until perhaps you take a mood-altering substance. Substances […]

Handle with Care; How to Navigate Dating and Addiction

How you see yourself and those around you can be significantly affected by substance abuse and the ongoing process of recovery with the self-discovery it requires can be both daunting and empowering. Forming balanced, healthy relationships with others is a positive goal of rehab but it is wise to proceed with caution. Dating as a […]


  A major part of a healthy recovery from addiction is establishing positive and healthy routines and focusing on self-care. Holidays like the 4th of July bring into focus huge celebrations in the form of parades, barbecues, and parties, and in general, a day away from the norms. With it being just a few weeks […]


  Currently, there is a negative connotation associated with mental illness as well as addiction. These stigmas have been created based on years of false information and unfair judgments, and don’t have to be stood for in 2018. At Casa Recovery, we know that mental illnesses and addictions are not your fault. The only way to […]