Casa Recovery

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How to Deal with Relapsing?

Relapsing is a common and challenging part of the recovery journey. For both the patient and their family, understanding how to deal with a relapse is crucial for long-term success. Addressing relapse

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Mental Health

Where Does Trauma Come From?

Trauma is a complex response to an intensely disturbing event that completely overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, creates feelings of helplessness, and diminishes their feelings of self and their ability to

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How Does Brainspotting Work?

Brainspotting is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of neuroscience with psychotherapy to address emotional and psychological trauma. It’s a relatively recent therapy that is based on the idea that the positioning

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What is Narcissistic Disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD, is a serious mental affliction that is generally characterized by a relatively long pattern of exaggerated or artificially inflated self-importance, a deep need for continued attention and

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