How to Help Your Addicted Loved One

Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious medical condition that can destroy the life of your loved one. Watching them waste away, go through withdrawals, harm themselves and others, and generally give up on life outside of their addiction is a horrible experience for anybody to go through. Here are a few tips to help your loved one get help.


An intervention can be very effective. Letting the addicted person in your life know that people care about them and are affected by their addiction can be a wake-up call. It’s important to be gentle and make sure you consult a professional before arranging an intervention, because if done improperly, it can cause your loved to take a defensive position, instead of listening to your concerns.

Don’t Enable

Don’t enable his or her addiction. This also means not giving money or resources to further an addiction. Some who struggle with addiction take advantage of those around them, so no matter how hard it may be, don’t give in. You’re not helping your loved ones by enabling them to further their habits.

Seek Outside Help

It’s also OK to admit you’ve reached your limit and require some outside assistance to help your loved one through this trying time. If your loved one needs professional help, whether it’s outpatient treatment, rehab, counseling, or some combination of the three, you cannot do it alone.

That’s where Casa can help. Casa Recovery is a rehabilitation treatment center in sunny Southern California. With flexible 30-, 60-, and 90-day treatment plans, your loved one is sure to get the assistance he or she needs. Certified by the Department of Health Care Services and accredited by the Joint Commission, Casa is the best addiction treatment in San Juan Capistrano, CA, for you! Casa Recovery has myriad programs, depending on your loved one’s needs. Aside from the straightforward 12-Steps method, Casa Recovery offers other holistic and scientific treatment methods. Treatments like counseling, strategies for dealing with stress and denial, Tai Chi, massage therapy, and cognitive-behavioral techniques will make sure your loved ones get the specialized help they need.

So if a loved one is struggling with addiction, visit Casa Recovery in Orange County. You don’t have to face this challenge alone, and Casa will be with you and your family every step of the way.

For more information, dial (888) 928-2272 and speak to one of our caring professionals about getting help.

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