How Faith Can Help You Overcome Addiction

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Although we accept clients from all walks of life, religious or not, one of our programs offered at Casa Recovery is a faith-based treatment curriculum. We know that recovery can be a difficult process and, at times, you can feel lonely and afraid. By reconnecting with your faith after struggling with addiction, you not only gain the Lord as a support system, you also learn to look at the world in a more positive light. To get a head start on inviting Christ back into your life, follow these steps:

1. Pray

Talking to God and acknowledging his presence during your recovery is the first phase in restoring your faith. If you’re not used to praying and having trouble getting started, try a daily devotional book or keep a prayer journal. Once you develop this habit, speaking to the Lord can be as easy as having a conversation with a friend.

 2. Focus on the Now

Dwelling on the past can be very unhealthy, especially if you are overcoming addiction. When you let go of previous mistakes and learn to look at every day as a new opportunity, the future will seem much more exciting. Viewing each day as a gift can make recovery a much smoother process.

 3. Take responsibility

Holding yourself accountable for past mistakes is one of the hardest things to do. It’s easy to point fingers and throw blame when you’ve hurt someone or lost control while intoxicated or high. The best way to go about this step is to realize that no one made you act the way you did and accept the fact that you are human.

 4. Ask for forgiveness

While under the influence, our judgment becomes blurred. This can cause us to inflict emotional (and sometimes physical) pain onto our loved ones. Although your friends or family may seem mad at first, do not hold back from telling them how you feel. Facing the problem head-on and apologizing for your actions will give you a feeling of freedom even if your loved one needs some time to process it.

 5. Talk to someone

Praying can be extremely rewarding but sometimes you just need a physical person to communicate your emotions with. At Casa Recovery, we suggest talking to one of our pastors or guidance counselors who have been trained to handle these situations. Our staff includes experts like Sandy Szemenyei – an ordained minister and biblical counselor with 20 years of experience. Conversing with someone that you trust and who will not pass judgment can be the ultimate confidence booster.

If you’re interested in hearing more about our Christian Drug & Alcohol Treatment Program, feel free to contact us at 1-888-928-2272 anytime for a no-obligation assessment. Casa Recovery is ready to help you or your loved one reconnect with God and find a way to a happy, healthier life!

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