How to Deal with Relapsing?

Relapsing is a common and challenging part of the recovery journey. For both the patient and their family, understanding how to deal with a relapse is crucial for long-term success. Addressing relapse promptly and effectively can make a significant difference in maintaining sobriety and preventing future occurrences. Relapses can occur due to various triggers such […]

Does Alcohol Cause Anxiety and Depression?

Alcohol is often viewed as a social lubricant, or, a substance that eases social interactions and temporarily lifts spirits. However, many people find themselves asking the pressing question: Does alcohol cause anxiety and depression? As it turns out, the relationship between alcohol and mental health is much more complex than it appears on the surface. […]

How to Know If You Are Bipolar

Staying in optimal mental health is a challenge sometimes, particularly these days. However, feeling like your emotions might be a little out of the norm could be a good sign that you need to speak to someone about what it is that you’re feeling. Feeling drastic or otherwise significant fluctuations in mood can have many […]

How Many People Relapse After Rehab

The relapse rate for people after receiving treatment is around 85%. This is an alarming statistic to think about when it comes to relapsing. When people relapse, it’s not because they weren’t committed to recovery before, but because something happened and they didn’t have the skills or support to deal with it. This article will […]

Why Is Fentanyl So Lethal?

In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an alarming statistic: the number of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. have topped 100,000 a year. Most people consider cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin among the most dangerous street drugs. However, in recent years, fentanyl — including prescription and illicit sources — is claiming the […]

Preventing Teen Addiction by Raising Awareness About Media Use

Teenagers may seem to be on social media all the time. Their anxiety levels may increase when unplugged from social media. With the wide use of smartphones, today’s younger generation is immersed in a world of media use, including TV, the internet, and especially social media. Over-exposure to media use may evolve into social media […]

What Are The Signs of a High Functioning Alcoholic?

Alcoholism is a serious issue in the United States. Alcohol abuse leads to a variety of health issues and causes more than 3 million deaths each year. With treatment and rehabilitation, an alcoholic can recover and live healthy, fulfilling lives. It is important to note that alcoholics can be high-functioning. They may have a family, […]

How Can Awareness Be Raised About Opioid Use Disorder?

The epidemic of opioid addiction is continuing in America. From 1999 to 2015, more than 183,000 people in the nation have died from overdoses related to prescription opioids. Another alarming trend is that more and more young people have been affected. Families, schools, and communities should make opioid use a part of the prevention conversation. […]

Warning Signs of Compulsive Behaviors During Recovery

While some individuals work through recovery, they replace the time spent misusing alcohol or drugs with different compulsive behaviors in other areas of life. These include excessive exercising, compulsive gambling, food addiction, or shopping addiction. Replacing substance addiction with compulsive behaviors is a phenomenon also known as “behavioral addiction,” “addiction transfer,” or “cross addiction.” These […]

Understanding Drug Overdoses

According to the American Medical Association’s Issue Brief from May 2022, during the COVID-19 pandemic, all US states have reported a rise in overdose deaths. The evidence continues to point to culprits such as methamphetamine, illicit fentanyl, cocaine, fentanyl analogs, or a combination of substances. Health professionals and society need to better understand this trend. […]

How Do You Engage in New Relationships After Early Sobriety?

People who are going through addiction recovery may find themself in need of rebuilding relationships or engaging in new ones. Relationships give life substance and meaning. However, there are risks in making new social connections because any relationship takes hard work. Navigating new relationships may create stress and even trigger a relapse if a person […]

Understanding and Combatting Shame and Stigma About Addiction

Shame and stigma about substance addiction are common but harmful barriers to treatment. Addiction-related shame and guilt can also perpetuate the disease. It is time that society raises awareness about combatting such stigma so that more people can get help and feel supported in recovery. The Prevalence of Stigma The word “stigma” refers to widespread […]