How to Help Working Professionals into Addiction Recovery
It goes without saying that the decision to enter addiction recovery and rehab is a tough but necessary choice. It’s a big step to make, but what if what you are potentially leaving behind seems bigger than the life you could be going into? This is exactly the distraction that faces working professionals- people who are doing great in their careers but are hiding an addiction. Facing and battling an addiction could be the difference between career success or career failure. For most of these professionals, they can’t just take 30, 60, or 90 days off. They are running businesses, they are making industry moves.
However, here at Casa Recovery, we understand the importance of what working professionals could be leaving behind if they choose to enter an immersive and in-patient program. So, we have designed Outpatient Intensive Treatment Programs and Evening Intensive Outpatient Treatment Programs, both designed to allow the individual to still be actively engaged in their life while dealing with something that is robbing them of life.
Even then, the decision is still tough. Here are some pro’s to going into Addiction Recovery Treatment as a Working Professional:
A Happy Leader makes a Happy Team
You might not even realize the toll your addiction has taken on your team. Whether you think you hide it well or not, emotional outbursts or fits of anger might have seeped out into your team. This not only isn’t fair to your team, but it affects your bottom line. Having a team that loves working for you is the goal of any leader, and your addiction might be subliminally changing the dynamic in a way you don’t want it to.
Clarity of Thoughts Leads to Advancement of Ideas
As an addicted individual, the drug/alcohol of choice inhibits your thought processes and ideas. This can affect your decision-making skills, or your creative process. By taking control of the addiction and not letting the addiction control you, you’ll find a clarity that can only be obtained outside of an addiction.
Take Advantage of Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs at Casa Recovery
We here at Casa Recovery want to see you do well and thrive. To thrive, however, means recognizing that your addiction has a hold on you, and not letting it have a hold any longer. As a working professional, you have a unique balance you must strike in order to get your life back and lead your business, but it is possible with our Outpatient Treatment Programs here at Casa Recovery. Contact us today to learn more!