Online Addiction Resources
We compiled a list of helpful online resources for someone wanting to learn more about addiction and getting the help you or a loved one needs. Questions? Contact us today here at Casa Recovery in San Juan Capistrano, CA to learn more and to see what options we offer in drug and alcohol addiction treatment. If you or a loved one needs immediate assistance, the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration offers a 24/7 free and confidential hotline to help you with whatever you may need. Additionally, they have tons of information on drug and alcohol abuse, as well as mental health. The Addiction Resource Center is a great way to get started on making healthy changes and beginning recovery. There is a questionnaire you can fill out to assess your drug or alcohol abuse, which then leads you to a printable action plan to help you determine your course of action for recovery. Facing Addiction over Dinner is a part of the Facing Addiction site where you can set up a hypothetical dinner party where you talk about addiction in whatever capacity it is affecting you, whether that is your own addiction or a friend/family member’s addiction. Here you can learn a lot about different commonly abused drugs. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, the information listed can provide an abundance of information about the drug. provides helpful information about mental health in relation to substance abuse. If you or a loved one suffers from both mental health and substance abuse issues, this site can provide more information and learn more about how to get help. If you or someone you know is suffering from alcohol abuse, you can read more about the causes of the abuse here and why it may be affecting you more so than your peers. Another great alcohol abuse website, Mothers Against Drunk Driving provides information on why drunk driving is so detrimental and provides some stories about victims of drunk driving accidents.